Write up about the Conference
The 4th Thailand International Nanotechnology Conference (NanoThailand 2014) held during November 26-28, 2014 in Thailand Science Park Convention Center, Pathumthani, Thailand. The NanoThailand 2014 Conference focused on the integration of Engineering Materials Science, and Nanotechnology to address fundamental nanotechnology opportunities and its applications.
The following areas were focused in the NanoThailand 2014 in every field of nanotechnology for better living:
- Nanomaterials
- Nanoelectronics and nanosystems
- Nanobiology
- Nanomedicine and drug delivery systems
- Nanotechnology in human health
- Nanosensor
- Theory and simulation related nanosystem
- Nanocharacterization and imaging
- Nanotechnology for energy and environment
- Nanoapproach for green technology
- Nanotechnology for manufacturing and industry
- other related fields
Feedback on paper presented
After the presentation, several questions were asked and comments. One of the comments is about the uniqueness, importance and essence on the research. It is good to note that they see the essence ans impact of it in the agriculture of the Philippines.
Some commented about how structured and concise the presentation was in just 15 minutes. They also suggested using other substrate that is malleable and are easily flexed for better wrapping of the banana’s crown. A lot of materials were suggested that resulted to the prolonged discussion after the question and answer time of presentation.
They also asked about the plan for marketing and selling of the research product for industrialization.
Future directions of research presented
I am planning, if possible, to continue my research for my Master’s Thesis. I also want to grab the opportunities to collaborate with other researchers and fields to improve the materials for better photocatalysis of the nanoporous ZnO film.
Potential foreign collaborators
After my presentation, PhD from Singapore University of Technology and Design, Dr. Franklin Anariba approached me and introduced him and asking questions about my future plans in my research. He heard that I am looking for conducting polymer that I could use as substrate ans where my ZnO particles could deposit well enough for a good quality film. He is doing research in making conducting polymers via electrospinning technique.
We ended our conversation exchanging business cards for future contracts.
Other important contacts and insights
It is important that researches in the Philippines to attend conferences like this to evaluate and see what’s fab in the research communities in their respective fields. I realized the importance of not just publishing your work but also to pursue making a product and collaborate to industry so the people can benefit from what we are doing. It is also important so we can gauge if what we are doing is still unique and having an importance and impact in the community.