Write up about the Conference
The ICSW is an annual event which serves as a good venue for researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, community leaders and other groups to present, share and discuss various topics addressing issues regarding solid waste management, as well as emerging technologies and trends in other countries regarding this field.
Feedback on paper presented
- More test cases for the California Bearing Ratio Test may be done.
- The design for improvising the moist curing cabinet to maintain constant range relative humidity is acceptable.
Future directions of research presented
- This study is still on the preliminary stages. Aside from considering other representative sample of soil type, longer curing periods may be done for both strength and durability tests.
- The study only considered macro-property improvements due to cement stabilization. The effect of cement on the micro-level may also be investigated.
Potential foreign collaborators
- Elsie D. Kitcher, PhD Candidate
- Environmental Engineering
- Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey
Other important contacts and insights
- Jason M. Munyan, PE, BCEE
- Senior Facility Manager
- Delaware Solid Waste Authority
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
The first day of the four-day program is allotted for a Professional Education short course. This seminar is part of a continuing education course dealing with “Natural Gas Recovery: Hydraulic Fracturing, Landfill Gas and Anaerobic Digesters”
The opening plenary commenced the second day, followed by parallel sessions for oral presentations of various topics arranged in groups. The keynote speaker, Dr. Maria Lyubarskaya of Russia, discussed solid waste management strategies for large-scale events, specifically for the recently concluded Sochi Winter Olympics. I was assigned to the “Construction and Demotions Wastes” session. Other sessions in that day were recycling, landfills, energy recovery, agricultural wastes and biological utilization, industrial wastes, medical wastes, and ash utilization.
The 3rd day is allotted for parallel sessions covering composting, critical needs of waste management, policy/economics/education, waste process modeling, uses of wastes in construction, waste in developing regions, carbon reduction, advances in hazardous wastes and methods of handling contaminated sites.