Write up about the Conference
The Tenth Conference as always offers a platform not only to share common interests and new information and technologies in the field of Urban Earthquake Engineering but also to disseminate research and educational outcomes and to implement a strengthened worldwide network for Earthquake Engineering. The Conference will feature state-of-the-art technical presentations on various topics relevant to Urban Earthquake Engineering, followed by thematic presentations in parallel sessions, on the part of scientists, engineers, researchers, and planners of diverse generations, including both younger researchers as well as graduate students.
As in previous years the 10CUEE is slated to include Special Educational Sessions and Best Presentation Awards for Young Researchers, to facilitate conference participation of young researchers, Post Doctoral Fellows and PhD students. It is their hope that the upcoming conference will offer a unique opportunity for all of us dedicated to Urban Earthquake Engineering.
Feedback on paper presented
One commented that the assessment procedure was quite complicated for a “preliminary” assessment of buildings since it requires estimation of damage per structural element.
Future directions of research presented
The research paper presented is part of the Phase I of the Source of Solution Project funded by the OVCRD. Currently the project is in its second phase wherein the assessment tool is applied to 20 major buildings in the University. It is now under the process of calibration and peer review.
After identifying the building which needs rehabilitation through the use of this tool, a retrofit scheme will be prepared for the building if this phase of the project is approved.
Potential foreign collaborators
Since the assessment tool is closely related to FEMA 154-155 and the Post Earthquake evaluation of RC buildings in Japan, the authors of these papers are the primary potential foreign collaborators. Moreover, it would also be helpful to collaborate with the presenters who are doing research on fragility curves of RC buildings to serve as a source of validation and/or improvement of the fragility curves used in developing the structural scores used in this research.
Other important contacts and insights
The 10CUEE is a perfect venue to present researches and solicit comments from researchers from different institutions in Japan and around the world. My participation to this conference has shown the current status of research in the Philippines with regards to Earthquake and Structural Engineering.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference
On the 1st and 2nd day of March 2013, Ms. Liezl Tan together with her colleagues in the Institute of Civil Engineering, presented their research papers in the 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. The paper that Ms. Tan presented is entitled, Development of a Rapid Condition Assessment Tool for Reinforced Concrete Buildings in the Philippines, which is derived from a collaborative research project between the Institute of Civil Engineering and OVCRD. She also co-authored three (3) of the participating papers in the said conference. Ms. Tan together with her 2 other colleagues namely, Mr. Raniel Suiza and Mr. Jason Palacio, also participated in the Young Researchers Session.