RDG Conference Report of Melisa R. Serrano

Write up about the Conference

The conference, organized by a consortium of Dutch universities, drew 375 participants from 35 different countries. There were 77 sessions. It was a rich and stimulating event in which various academics from all over the world presented papers that are related to the general theme of “Imagining new employment relations and new solidarities”. The conference was organized around 5 track themes: Track 1 on industrial relations actors in a changing environment; Track 2 on Europeanisation of social and employment policies; Track 3 on public sector restructuring: consequences for employment relations and public services; Track 4 on new forms of regulation and governance; and Track 5 on HRM and social innovation. My paper touched on Track 1. I presented my paper in the workshop on “Trade union membership and organization” on 20 June 2013, 5:30pm-7:00pm.

The conference proved to be an excellent venue to reflect on the present and future of labour and employment relations and solidarity.

Feedback on paper presented

My paper was well-received. In fact, it was chosen as Best Comparative Paper of the SAGE Journal of European Industrial Relations and the ILERA Europe 2013 conference. As such, my paper will be published in SAGE’s Journal of European Industrial Relations (an ISI journal) in the last quarter of 2014.

Future directions of research presented

I intend to continue my research on union renewal with focus on unions in the ASEAN region.

Potential foreign collaborators

  1. ASEAN Service Employees Trade Union Council (ASETUC), Singapore
  2. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Regional Office for Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific

Other important contacts and insights

  1. Prof. Dr. Richard Hyman, Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics and editor of the European Journal of Industrial Relations
  2. Prof. Dr. Maaten Keune, Chairperson, Amsterdam Institute of Advance Labour Studies, University of Amsterdam
  3. Prof. Dr. Leisink, School of Governance, University of Utrecht

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

My paper presentation was well received. After my presentation , I got a number of questions and comments from my co-participants who attended our workshops. As I have mentioned above, my paper was chosen as Best Comparative Paper of the SAGE Journal of European Industrial Relations and the ILERA Europe 2013 conference. As such, my paper will be published in SAGE’s Journal of European Industrial Relations (an ISI journal) in the last quarter of 2014.

When our workshop ended, the workshop Chairperson, Prof. Paul Marginson, Director of the Industrial Research Unit and Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Warwick, UK, and Associate Editor of the journal Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILR) of the Cornell University also approached me expressing keen to publish my paper in the ILR.

In the closing program of the ILERA conference on 22 June 2013, a short awarding ceremony took place where I was called by Prof. Dr. Richard Hyman on stage to receive a certificate