Write up about the Conference
The conference was well attended by seasoned mathematicians from different countries. In fact, I was the youngest participant in the conference. The paper presentations came from varied fields of mathematics including topology, mathematical modeling, number theory, algebra, differential equations, and fixed-point theory. It is worth mentioning that a great number of these presentations were delivered by PhD’s (in Mathematics) with prolific research records. The presentations were chaired by professors from different institutions who ably facilitated insightful discussions after each talk. The conference was well organized and the organizing committee was very efficient throughout the conference. The time in between the parallel talks became great opportunities to discuss with scholars whose research interests intersect mine. I feel privileged to have attended this conference for my first international conference.
Feedback on paper presented
Overall, my presentation went smoothly. One feedback was on the use of other computing packages like Pari/GP other than GAP to verify the results.
Future directions of research presented
My work on the computation of the square and cube roots of p-adic numbers using the Newton-Raphson method mainly focused on the unique p-adic expansion of p-adic numbers. One professor suggested employing my method to the Teichmuller representations of p-adic numbers.
Potential foreign collaborators
Dr. Atasi Deb Ray from West Bengal State University has expressed openness in doing future collaborations.
Other important contacts and insights
I was particularly amazed at the openness of the participants to listen and discuss with everyone, including young scholars like myself. I felt their interest in my ideas and eagerness to discuss and clarify things that seemed to have caught their inquiring minds. I learned that good scholarship involves a great deal of openness to a lot of people and ideas.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
Seventy-eight mathematicians, statisticians, and mathematics educators from thirty-three countries converged in Athens, Greece last June 17-20 for the 7th Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and Statistics. Rich discussions on different areas of mathematics including topology, mathematical modeling, number theory, algebra, differential equations, fixed-point theory, and Mathematics education once again echoed in one of the places where Mathematics first flourished. As a young mathematics scholar, it was a privilege to be invited as paper presenter for this conference sponsored by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. I am grateful for the Research Dissemination Grant awarded by the University of the Philippines which allowed me to savor this wonderful experience.