RDG Conference Report of Kurt Junshean P. Espinosa

Write up about the Conference

The conference was an excellent venue to learn many of the varied topics in intelligent systems from theory to application. Indeed, there were some papers presented related to my research on social network analysis combined with sentiment analysis.

Some of the presented topics were in the line of decision making theory, intelligent data analysis with applications in information retrieval and machine learning, modeling-based support in intelligent learning environments, quantitative method of method decision making in a changing financial and social environment, optimization models and decision methods in logistics and supply chain management, intelligent human-computer interaction, advances in computational intelligence: theory and applications, context-sensitive monitoring of energy consumption to support energy savings and emissions trading in industry-intelligent industrial energy and environmental management system, innovative information services for advanced knowledge activity, knowledge media for creativity and science communication, and soft computing-based techniques for decision making: state of the art and future trends.

Feedback on paper presented

In the presentation of my paper, I was glad to know that there was a lot of interest from the audience. They were asking questions. A notable feedback was on the possibility of dynamically adding variables to the variables being experimented using feature selection methods.

Future directions of research presented

We plan to work on the feature selection of the clustering variables and evaluation of the system.

Potential foreign collaborators

  • Marko Knezevic of University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Ari Saptawijaya of UNINOVA, Portugal
  • Ales Podgornik of Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
  • Yanting Li of Kyushu University, Japan
  • Ryosuke Saga of Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
  • Amine Ahmed Benyahia of Université de technologie Belfort-Montebéliard, France.

Other important contacts and insights

The conference was highly participated from researchers around the world: Portugal, Norway, UK, US, Germany, France, Serbia, Slovenia, Japan, Greece, Russia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Australia. I was the only one, though, from the Philippines.

In the presentation of my paper, I was glad to know that there was a lot of interest from the audience. They were asking questions. I realized that Philippines should continue supporting research because we are really at par with other researchers around the world.

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

Prof. Kurt Junshean Espinosa of the Department of Computer Science in UP Cebu presented two different papers in the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services entitled “Multivariate Clustering for Language Learning in Facebook” on June 26-28, 2013 in UNINOVA Research Institute, Sesimbra, Portugal and in the 4th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications Entitled “Evaluation of Language learning application in Facebook” on July 10-12, 2013 in University of Piraeus, Greece. He was invited to a visiting research fellowship at the University of Piraeus during the one-week interlude between the two conferences. The conferences were participated by leading researchers around the world. He was proud to represent the Philippines in those conferences. His paper presentation received wide interest among the audience. The paper was a product of the ongoing research collaboration between University of Piraeus in Greece and University of the Philippines. The main research question they are trying to answer is: ‘Given the popularity of social networks, how can it be leveraged to learn new languages using computational and artificial intelligence techniques?” He was able to establish research networks with the professors and researchers who attended, “The Philippines is at par with the other leading researchers around the world and UP has a great part in this endeavor. The government must therefore invest in highly in research activities just like the other countries if we are to shift to a knowledge-based economy.”, according to him when asked what he learned in that conference. He also encouraged young researchers to pursue their passion for research for the benefit of society