Write up about the Conference
The conference is a convergence not just of academic community working on the manifold ICT issues but also of regulators and practitioners in the ICT industries of the Pacific Rim. I was assigned in a research round table called “Multiple facets of digital presence” with presentations that ranged from “The Economic Value of Standardization: An Application to the LED Lighting:” “Industry Structure, Innovation and Standardization Strategies: Analysis of Telecommunication Standard-setting in China and India;” and “The Implications of Digital Presence: A Content Marketing Index of U.S. Businesses”.
Feedback on paper presented
The paper generated the most comments and questions in the research round table, in fact, it was only presentation that garnered feedback. The presentation was timely in that foreign and local media both bannered headlines on “child sex rings” in the Philippines at the time of the conference. Questions ranged from availability of statistics/figures on cybersex in the country, policy implications of the case study on cybersex in the country, the complexity of the phenomenon when comparing the experiences of coerced children and adult workers, as well as the comparison of traditional sex workers with cybersex workers.
Future directions of research presented
Feedback gathered from the presentation will incorporated in a forthcoming publication, a journal article for the Electronic Journal Systems in Developing Countries.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
It was my first time to attend a conference that is not attended by purely academic participants. This conference’s international and diverse participants I believe proved to be a good venue in disseminating findings for my case study on the cybersex phenomenon in the Philippines. It was also good to get feedback since the presentation draws from a forthcoming publication. Finally, it was a pleasant experience to hear from practitioners themselves on their “insider” experience working in the ICT industries from other countries.