Write up about the Conference
The 6th Asian Mathematical Conference was held last June 30 – July 4, 2013 at the Convention Hall of BEXCO in Busan, Korea. The objective of the conference was to provide a forum for the researchers of mathematics from Asia to create links among themselves and other mathematicians around the world through exchange of ideas, discussion of issues and presentations of results from researches done.
This conference was hosted by Korea Mathematical Society (KMS) and Southeast Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS) and organized by Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Institute for Basic Science, Center for Geometry and Physics (IBS CGP) and the organizing committee for Seoul ICM 2014. It is also attended by more than 500 mathematicians mostly from Asia and this included those who gave public lectures (2), plenary lectures (7), invited talks (146), contributed talks (235) and poster presentations (130). The topics were
1. Logic/Foundations/History of Mathematics/Mathematics Education
2. Algebra/Representation Theory/Lie Theory
3. Number Theory
4. Algebraic Geometry/Complex Geometry
5. Combinatorics/Graph Theory/Cryptography/Coding Theory
6. Geometry
7. Topology
8. Analysis (Real/Complex/Harmonic Analysis)
9. Functional Analysis and Applications
10. Ordinary Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems
11. Partial Differential Equations
12. Probability/Stochastic Process/Statistics
13. Control Theory/Optimization
14. Numerical Analysis/Scientific Computations/Mathematics in Science and Technology
15. Variational Methods in Nonlinear Problems.
The organization of the conference allowed discussions during and after each presentation and in coffee and lunch breaks which gave a fellowship among the participants.
A banquet was organized for the participants and registered accompanying persons which was highlighted by Korean cultural presentations and where assorted local cuisines were served. A Forum on “Organizing the Mathematical Union of Asia” and exhibitions of textbooks and journals by different organizations like the Mathematical Society of Japan, Chamchuri Journal of Mathematics of Thailand, Springer Publication and more, were also done during the conference.
Feedback on paper presented
The presentation was good.
Future directions of research presented
Do an optimal control of the problem.
Potential foreign collaborators
Hantaek Bae (Univ. of California), Suleyman Ulusoy (Zirve Univ., Turkey), Dohan Kim (Seoul Univ., Korea), and Hwa Kil Kim (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea)
Other important contacts and insights
Kritsana Neammanee (Chulalongkorn Univ., Thailand), Liqun Zhang (Chinese Academy of Science, China), Tphru Ozawa (Waseda Univ., Japan)
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
The grantee participated in the conference by attending some of the lectures related to her work and visited some booths exhibiting books and journals.