Write up about the Conference
The Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference (APMMC) is a biennial event hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. The conference aims to provide a venue for cross-disciplinary and cross academic-practitioner discussion of current issues related to marketing in the Asia Pacific region.
Now on its fifth run, this years’ theme is “Sustainable business strategies: Shaping the future of Asia Pacific region”. Dr. Mohammad Affendy Arip, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business,gave the opening remarks. The keynote speakers were Dr. Jamilin Jais, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Computing Technology of the Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur and Dr. Ernest Cyril de Run, Dean of the Centre of Graduate Studies of the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
Conference papers were reviewed and published in the conference CD proceedings. This year, four best papers in marketing, management, finance, and supply chain management were awarded. Eight papers were considered for publication in the International Journal of Business and Society (IJBS) and in upcoming book in 2014.
The APMMC 2013 conference Chair was Dr. Hamrila Abdul Latip. She is the Program Coordinator (Corporate Management) of the Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
Feedback on paper presented
One significant query from the audience was about the policy implications of the research. This was satisfactorily addressed by the researcher through the papers’ recommendation on lobbying for tax policies that are favorable to social enterprises.
Future directions of research presented
The policy imperatives for social enterprises can be better be assessed by looking at other social enterprises in the country. A cross-country comparison study can also be conducted to obtain a better picture of social enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region.
Potential foreign collaborators
A few of the papers in the conference specifically those on social enterprises (by Dr.Noor Fadhiha Mokhtar of the Universiti Malaysia Terrengganu, Malaysia) and structural equation modeling (by Dr. Juraifa Jais of the Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) caught the interest of the researcher. Initial discussion with the paper presenters on collaborative research were very promising.
Other important contacts and insights
The Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship of CEM, UPLB, will be hosting an international conference in November 2014. Dr. Banzon has taken notes of the preparation and conduct of the APMMC 2013. She has spoken to some members of the Secretariat and asked them for some pointers.
Dr. Hamrila Abdul Latip, the Chair of the Conference, presented a paper on technology commercialization, which is also one of Dr. Banzon’s research interests. The two researchers have exchange notes.
Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)
Dr. Agnes T. Banzon presented the paper entitled “Strategic Imperatives for a Social Enterprise” at the Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference 2013 which was held at Hilton Hotel in Kuching City in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia on November 20-22 2013. She was also Session Chair of the Entrepreneurship Track. The conference which was hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, was participated in by over 60 faculty member and students from Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Kuwait, Philippines, and Australia.
Dr. Banzon is an Associate Professor at the Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship at the College of Economics and Management in UP Los Baños. Her conference participation was made possible through the CHED Conference Grant for paper Presentation in International Conferences and the UP Research Dissemination Grant.