RDG Conference Report of Mary Barby P. Badayos-Jover

Write up about the Conference

The conference was premised on the fact that global climate change challenge us to take transformations seriously. Given this premise the conference brought together interdisciplinary experts to interact, problematize and essentially understand the substantive change processes that need to occur in a short period of time, due to climate change effects. The conference was deemed timely in order to prevent disruptive and unexpected transformations.

Feedback on paper presented

The paper I presented tackled a topic  assumed to be resolve in Scandinavian countries. Thus, my presentation served as reminder to a number of participants about the gendered realities in developing countries like the Philippines. The question addressed to me were mainly clarifications on details of my study that focused on mainstreaming gender in Philippine institutional responses to climate change.

Future directions of research presented

The research was originally conceive as a country comparison between the Philippines and Indonesia. If funds for such comparative study will be sourced out, the Indonesia (or SEA country) aspect and updates on the Philippines experience can be carried out. Another likely offshoot of the study will be one on grassroots experience of gender mainstreaming in the context of climate change.

Potential foreign collaborators

Karen O’Brien/or Linda Sygna, Department of Sociology, University of Oslo

Other important contacts and insights

Bodil Maal, Senior Adviser on Gender Equality, Norwegian Development Agency (NORAD)

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

Prof. Mary Barby P. Badayos-Jover of the Division of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Visayas, presented a paper ” An Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming in the Philippine Institutional Responses to Climate Change”, in the Transformation in a Changing Climate International Conference, held in the University of Oslo in Norway, on June 17-21, 2013. The conference presentations were in speedtalk format of 5 minutes each and every presenter accommodated questions in roundtable discussions. Prof. Badayos-Jover’s paper was one of the few that tackled gender concerns in climate change. Prof. Badayos-Jover’s travel was funded in part by the UP System RDG.