RDG Conference Report of Christian M. Alis

Write up about the Conference

The European Conference on Complex Systems is a major international conference and event in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science in general. This year is the 10th time this conference was held. Two days of this year’s conference were reserve for satellite meetings, which  covered a broad range of subjects on all aspects of Complex Systems. This year’s conference was organized by the  The Complex Systems Society and complexitat.cat.

Feedback on paper presented

Several attendees found the paper to be very interesting. At least three attendees approached me to tell me that and to also ask questions. I have presented the paper twice during the conference and in both instances, several questions were asked. A researcher from Microsoft Research whose work I have read and cited before offered suggestions and we had a lengthy chat afterwards.

Future directions of research presented

We Intend to verify some of the suggested explanations as to why utterances are getting shorter and why utterance lengths are anti-correlated with the Black population. We are also working on a possible model for utterance length shortening.

Potential foreign collaborators

I joined the Young Researchers’ Network on Complex Systems, which is grouping of graduate students and recent PhDs working on complex systems. I also became a member of the Complex Systems Society.

Other important contacts and insights

I was able to talk to several professors about possible postdoc positions. One of them expressed willingness to support my application to his institute. My application in another one is still in process as of writing.

Short write-up of one’s participation (to be used to feature/publicize the grantee’s participation in the conference)

Dr. Christian Alis attended the European Conference on Complex Systems 2013mat Barcelona, Spain on 16-20 September 2013 to present his work on the variation with time and location of Twitter conversational utterances. This work, which showed that tweets are getting shorter, recently attracted international attention after it was featured in the MIT Technology Review and in the Technology section of Time.com. The complete research was publish in PLOS One and is available online.