UP Cebu institutional video lands gold award at international conference and exhibit

UP Cebu’s five-minute video used the traditional Cebuano rice preparation called puso (boiled rice packed in weaved coconut fronds) as a metaphor for education, highlighting how hard work and perseverance, strength and faith helped a young man come through the hardships of earning high-quality education.

(WATCH: UP Cebu institutional video)

His mother, portrayed by Prof. Ligaya Rabago, never failed to support him and thus represented the many Filipino parents who sacrifice a lot for the education of their children.

Genuine and poignant, the video received an overwhelming positive feedback from the audience at the 5th QS-Maple Professional Leaders in Education Conference and Exhibit in Doha, Qatar on May 7.

It was no surprise then that it bagged the Most Creative Corporate Institution Video Award.

Mr. Gregg Lloren, the video’s creative director, remarked that the win “puts UP Cebu in the map of academic institutions that lead in creative and persuasive visual communication.”


Mr. Gregg Lloren, instructor at the Arts and Humanities cluster and the video’s creative director, received the award on behalf of UP Cebu.

QS-MAPLE is an international body of academic professionals that aims to contribute to building world-class universities for Middle Eastern and North African communities through the exchange of best practice and global partnership. Its conference program is developed in light of higher education advancement in these two regions.

Members of the UP Cebu UPSTAGE theater group played the other characters in the video. Aside from Lloren, the production team also had Jiji Borlaza as line producer; Januar Yap, Shane Carreon and Lilia Tio as writers; Ruel Antepuesto as cinematographer; Palmy Tudtud as art director; Tiffany Tan and Gretchen Chaves for marketing and branding. UP Cebu dean Liza Corro is the  executive producer.

The video also emphasizes giving back to society because UP Cebu believes that its students are not only “nurtured to create” and “inspired to innovate” but likewise “destined to serve.”