EIDR Cycle 6 First Batch

The following are invited to submit their full proposals.

C06-003 Molecular and Culture-Based Characterization of Bacterial Community from Selected Hyperalkaline Environments in the Philippines and Laboratory Scale Production of an Industrially Important Metabolite Nacita B. Lantican           (IBS, UPLB) Ma. Genalyn Q, Diaz,  Noel G. Sabino, Andrew D. Montecillo
C06-006 Lake to watershed ecosystems assessment (LAWA) program toward a more sustainable management of large urban lake systems (Physical hazards, pollution, watershed management and ecosystems assessment) Maria Victoria O. Espaldon (SESAM, UPLB) Betchaida Payot, Noelynna Ramos, Nathaniel Bantayan
C06-009 Is the University of the Philippines ready to become an Entrepreneurial University? An assessment of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of UP Edison Cruz                     (UP TMC) Henry Ramos, Nestor Raneses, Glen Imbang
C06-014 Profiling and functional characterization of novel mutations in the EGFR cellular proliferation and cell survival pathways among Filipino young-onset, sporadic colorectal cancer patients Reynaldo Garcia               (NIMBB, UPD) Dennis Sacdalan, Eva Maria Cutiongco-dela Paz
C06-020 Towards green approaches in insect behavior modification Junio, Hiyas A.                 (IC, UPD) Eiza Yu, Imee Martinez, Ricky Nellas
C06-022 From genes to ecosystems: Understanding terrestrial biodiversity at various scales Perry S. Ong                   (IB, UPD) Sandra Yap, Regielene Gonzales, Ian Kendrich Fontanilla, Emmanuel Ryan de Chavez, Mariano Roy Duya, Socrates Letana, Adrian Luczon
C06-027 Bugkos: Defining the Asian Century through Peace, Development, and Community Antoinette R. Raquiza (Asian Center, UPD) Aileen S.P. Baviera, Marina Fe Durano, Reuben Canete
C06-029 Integrative Genomics Analysis Workbench for Rice Science Jan Michael C. Yap           (CS, UPB)  
C06-030 Control aspects of the cardiovascular-respiratory system Aurelio de los Reyes V       (CS, UPD)  
C06-031 Molecular characterization of economically important poultry pathogens in the Philippinesecosystems assessment) Dennis Umali                   (CVM, UPLB)  
C06-032 Efficacy of copper-based hollow kapok fiber nanocomposite for environmental purification Mary Donabelle L. Balela   (DMMME, UPD) Marvin Herrera, Cybelle Concepcion Futalan
C06-033 Photocatalytic properties of semiconducting oxide-based composites with diode-type interfaces for environmental cleaning Marvin U. Herrera             (UPLB) Mary Donnabelle Balela