The 2015 Third World Studies Center Writeshop

The Third World Studies Center (TWSC) launches the 2015 TWSC Writeshop in continuing its commitment to build the capacity of early career researchers, junior faculty members, and graduate students in the social sciences.

The 2015 TWSC Writeshop will feature academic lectures; small group discussions with journal editors; and a plenary presentation as culminating activity. The lectures encompass: 1) problematizing theory in the social sciences; 2) the contribution of quantitative research to knowledge production in the social sciences; 3) the contribution of qualitative research to knowledge production in the social sciences; 4) research and publication ethics in the social sciences; and 5) the academic publication process. The Writeshop extends to the publication process and concludes with the publication of the finished manuscripts in a special issue in Kasarinlan.

There will only be ten successful applicants who will be called Writeshop Fellows. Applicants can be social science graduate students, early career researchers, and junior faculty members from any Philippine higher education institution. Applicants who have not yet participated in previous TWSC writeshops will be prioritized.

Applications must be submitted to [email protected] on or before 20 March 2015.

More information can be found here.