The Central Analytical Services Laboratory (CASL) of BIOTECH UP Los Banos was awarded ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation. International Organization for Standardization/ International Electrotechnical Commission) is an international standard followed by accreditation bodies to verify the competency of testing and calibration laboratories. CASL is a service laboratory providing chemical analysis of food and feeds, water and wastewater, and soil and fertilizer. Headed by Dr. Veronica P. Migo, the laboratory underwent renovation and upgrading as part of the preparation for accreditation. CASL is the first testing laboratory under UPLB to be ISO 17025 accredited. The project was funded by the Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Program Implementation Unit. Previous funding was also provided by the Department of Science and Technology.
Visit the CASL website:
Visit the UPLB NIMBB Biotech Lab website: