Kenneth Roquid and Jolo Ferrer from the Disease Molecular Biology and Epigenetics Laboratory (DMBEL) were 2 of 38 (out of some 1200 posters) conferred the Sigma-Aldrich Best Poster Award at the 26th Intern
ational Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea held October 21-23, 2014. They share the honor with their research assistants and co-authors who are all graduate students in the lab: Lorenz Chua, Josh Malapit, Brandon Sy and Fidel Serrano.
The winning posters are: “MicroRNA Regulation of the Putative Competitive Endogenous RNAs PTEN, DNMT3B and TET3” by Kenneth Anthony Roquid, Mia Baquirin, Robert Lorenz Chua, Joshua Reginald Malapit, Brandon Mitchell Sy and Reynaldo Garcia.
“CRNDE Overexpression in HCT116 and Associated Changes in Transcript Levels of Stemness and Chemoresistance Markers” by Jose Lorenzo Ferrer, Robert Lorenz Chua, Joshua Reginald Malapit, Brandon Mitchell Sy, Fidel Emmanuel Serrano and Reynaldo Garcia.
Other students of DMBEL who gave excellent poster presentations include Martin Qui, Liezel Tamon, John Rigor, Ada Agupitan, Arlou Angeles, Alvin Bello, Yana Manongdo, Vince Arafiles and Lech Tizon.