GE Mini Conferences

The University is currently reviewing and revising the GE courses in the entire UP System in light of changes brought about by the K-12 curriculum. The new GE courses are envisioned to be designed as multi-/inter-/trans-disciplinary courses taught in a blended learning mode. GE Mini-Conferences are being held in the different CUs where GE and disciplinal faculty experts from all the CUs participate in formulating the new UP GE courses.

Schedule of GE Mini Conferences:

Philippine History UP Visayas July 28-29, 2014
The Life and Works of Rizal UP Visayas July 30-31, 2014
Self and Society UP Los Baños August 5-7, 2014
Communication UP Open University August 19-20, 2014
Mathematics, Culture and Society UP Cebu August 28-30, 2014
Science, Technology and Society UP Mindanao September 4-5, 2014
Living Systems UP Baguio September 15-16, 2014
Understanding the Physical Universe UP Baguio September 17-18, 2014
Filipino UP Diliman September 25-26, 2014
Ethics UP Diliman October 6-7, 2014
Living Art and Culture UP Diliman October 14-15, 2014


GE Mini-Conference on Math, Culture and Society Mactan, Cebu Hosted by UP Cebu







GE Mini Conference on Philippine History July 28, 2014, Iloilo City Hosted by UP Visayas

GE Mini Conference on Rizal July 30-31, 2014, Iloilo City Hosted by UP Visayas