Call for applications: 2019 UP KRC NextGen Koreanist Workshop

The UP Korea Research Center (UP KRC) in partnership with the UP Department of Political Science is calling for applicants to the 2019 UP KRC NextGen Koreanist Workshop.

In line with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Philippines and Korea’s diplomatic ties, this year’s workshop is geared towards helping young Filipino scholars develop their research interest in Korea-related studies.

1. Any graduate student (MA/PhD) of UP CUs, and
2. Active status

Research subject/topic:
1. Korea-Philippines relations
2. Korea-ASEAN relations
3. Contemporary issues of Korean society
4. Other interesting topics that are relevant

Required documents:
1. Abstract (150-200 words)
2. CV
3. Scanned UP ID

Submit applications to [email protected] with email subject <NEXTGEN WORKSHOP APPLICATION>.

Important dates:
1. Deadline of submission: 3 August 2019
2. Announcement of selected applicants: 12 August
3. NextGen Koreanist Workshop: 18 September 18

For more information, contact the UP Korea Research Center at [email protected].