AINS 2018 Call for Papers

The 2018 IEEE Conference on Applications, Information and Network Security (AINS 2018) will be held in Langkawi, Malaysia on 20–22 November 2018. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to share and exchange advancement in research, technologies and applications in the area of computer and network security for professionals, engineers, academics and industrial people worldwide. AINS 2018 is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Malaysia.

Paper Format

– All manuscripts must be in English.
– Papers submitted for review MUST NOT contain any author information (no authors, affiliation or address, and no explicit self-reference) due to the double-blind review process.
– All submitted papers should be in the form of a PDF file. The maximum length is 6 pages (A4 size, single space, Times Roman of font size 10, two columns format), including figures, tables and references. To facilitate this, papers must conform to IEEE format. Please download the format template here.

Please submit your paper at:

All registered participants will experience our complimentary cultural and nature visits (Island Hopping & Mangrove Tour) with No Additional Fees (sponsored by IEEE Malaysia Computer Chapter), as part of the conference program to encourage a leisure, inspirational and fruitful networking session.

* The Proceedings of IEEE conferences will be included in the IEEE Xplore and SCOPUS databases. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (i.e. removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

* All presented papers will be invited for an extended journal submission for IEEE Computer Society Malaysia journal. Selected papers will also be invited to submit an extended version to Inderscience International Journal of Digital Enterprise Technology (IJDET).

Full paper submission deadline: 31 July 2018
Notification of acceptance: 30 September 2018

Please submit your paper at:

For more information, visit the AINS 2018 website.