Call for applications: 2019 UP SPS

UP Scientific Productivity System | UP Arts Productivity System

Call for applications to the UP Scientific Productivity System for CY 2019

A. New applications
For new applicants, the period of evaluation of accomplishments is for the last five (5) years from January 2014 – December 2018.

B. Applications for renewal by UP Scientists awarded for the term CY 2016-2018
The period of evaluation of accomplishments is from January 2016 – December 2018 using the points specified in Table 3. Retention/Promotion.

Deserving scientists will be conferred the title “UP Scientist” and will receive a monetary award, the  UP Scientific Productivity Award:
UP Scientist I               PhP150,000 per annum
UP Scientist II              PhP200,000 per annum
UP Scientist III             PhP250,000 per annum

Please submit your recommendations, properly evaluated by your CU Committees, to our Office on or before 15 November 2019.

May we request you to submit for each recommendation the following:
a.  7 sets of the application form with CU scores, properly endorsed by CU officials
b.  3 sets of proof of accomplishments; and
c.  CD containing the application form (in Word format) and attachments (in jpeg or pdf format).

Please ensure complete documentation for your recommendations. Incomplete requirements will not be accepted. The System Screening Committee shall evaluate recommendations as submitted—no proper documentation, no points credited.

The guidelines and application form can be downloaded here.

Read the memorandum.

Call for applications to the UP Arts Productivity System for CY 2018

A. New applications for CY 2018

The period of evaluation of accomplishments is for the last five (5) years from January 2013 – December 2017.

B.  Applications for Renewal

UP Artists whose appointments ended in December 2016 and December 2017 are eligible to apply. The period of evaluation of accomplishments is during the term of appointment, i.e., from January 2014-December 2016 and from January 2015 – December 2017.

Deserving artists and arts scholars in the faculty and research staff will be conferred the title “UP Artist” and will receive a monetary award, the UP Arts Productivity Award:

                                UP Artist I             P 150,000 per annum
                                UP Artist II                200,000 per annum
                                UP Artist III               250,000 per annum

Please submit your recommendations for appointments for the UP Artist title, properly evaluated by your CU Committees, to the OVPAA on or before 31 March 2018. Please ensure that applications are in order by filling out the application form and with complete documentation (CDs, DVDs, books, etc). The System Committee shall evaluate recommendations as submitted. Thus, CUs are requested to ensure that all applications are in order when submitted to the System Committee.

The guidelines and application forms can be downloaded here. (For the additional guidelines issued on 6 February 2018, click here.)

Read the memorandum.