The proposals of the following applicants for the second cycle of the 2017 Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant have been approved for funding:
Alberto L. Dimarucut
Assistant Professor, UP Diliman
A Practical Guide to International Ballroom Styles and Filipino Social Dances
Amount: 500,000
Diane Christine P. Pelejo
Assistant Professor, UP Diliman
Multipartite Quantum States with Prescribed Properties
Amount: 500,000
Jean S. Encinas-Franco
Assistant Professor, UP Diliman
The Case of Filipino-Korean Spouses Association
Amount: 500,000
Richell O. Celeste
Assistant Professor, UP Diliman
On Near-Perfect and Deficient Perfect Numbers
Amount: 500,000
Sir Anril P. Tiatco
Associate Professor, UP Diliman
Repetitions and Alterations: Dramaturgy of Collaborative Adaptations in the Philippines
Amount: 550,000
Fernando DLC. Paragas
Associate Professor, UP Diliman
Communication Research Textbook Volume 3: Analyzing, Interpreting and Reporting Communication and Media Research
Amount: 550,000
Allen L. Nazareno
Assistant Professor, UP Los Baños
K-12 Career Track Assessment Using Neural Networks
Amount: 500,000
Eureka Teresa M. Ocampo
Assistant Professor, UP Los Baños
Screening for Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Compounds in Leaves, Fruit and Peel of Selected Philippine Mango Varieties
Amount: 550,000
Mae Joanne B. Aguila
Associate Professor, UP Los Baños
Mix-and-Match: Development of a Ruthenium-based Catalytic Hydrogenation of Esters to Alcohols Using Readily Accessible Ligands
Amount: 550,000
Daniel Edison M. Husana
Associate Professor, UP Los Baños
Biodiversity Assessment of Philippine Karst Landscapes: Taxonomic Description of New Species of Cave and Karst Aquatic Animals in Mindanao
Amount: 550,000
Allan Abraham B. Padama
Associate Professor, UP Los Baños
C02 Adsorption and Dissociation on Cu Cluster Supported on Cu(111): A Density Functional Theory Investigation
Amount: 500,000
Cyrose Sozie S. Millado
Assistant Professor, UP Mindanao
Effects of Davao-Produced Compsts on Soil and Selected Crops (Pechay, Radish, Tomato and Banana)
Amount: 500,000
Visit this page more information on the Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant.