OVPAA End of Term Report, 2011 to 2017

Executive Summary

The OVPAA takes the lead in implementing the university’s first strategic thrust which is to pursue academic excellence, through its various programs that were initiated or enhanced to benefit members of the academic community (students, faculty, REPS, administrative staff, retired academic staff), improve the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate education (degree programs, curriculum and pedagogy), create a culture of research, creativity and innovation, to increase scholarly output and research productivity as the basis for pursuing knowledge-based public service.

Under the leadership of VPAA Gisela Concepcion, the OVPAA programs grew significantly in the last six years (10 February 2011 to 9 February 2017). She worked in close coordination with four Assistant Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs: AVPAA Rhodora Azanza, for recognition and awards; AVPAA Carla Dimalanta, for R&D and creative work; AVPAA Alyssa Peleo-Alampay, for curriculum, pedagogy and quality assurance; AVPAA Delia Tomacruz, for R&D resource management and OVPAA staff management; and one Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, AVPSA Richard Gonzalo. The OVPAA officials were supported by a limited number of generally efficient regular and contractual OVPAA Staff.

Further, there are eight OVPAA-affiliated System Offices which work in close coordination with the OVPAA and the constituent universities (CUs):

  1. Office of Admissions (OA) led by Dir. Aurora Corpuz Mendoza 
  2. Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) led by Dir. Richard Gonzalo
  3. Office of International Linkages (OIL) led by Dir. Rhodora Azanza
  4. UP Press led by Dir. Jose Neil Garcia
  5. Center for Integrative Development Studies (CIDS) led by Exec. Dir. Edna Estefania Co
  6. Center for Women and Gender Studies (CWGS) led by Dir. Odine de Guzman
  7. Technology Transfer and Business Development Office (TTBDO) led by Dir. Luis Sison
  8. Philippine Genome Center (PGC) led by Exec. Dir. Baltazar Aguda

The VPAA also heads the Academic Affairs Committee, GE Council, Professor Emeritus System Committee, University Committee on Student Affairs (UCSA), and One UP Professorial Chair and Faculty Grants Committee. Committees consist of member representatives from the CUs.

Individual reports for OVPAA Programs

(arranged according to the Master Diagram of Interrelated/Integrated Programs)

1. Students



  • Teaching Associates/Teaching Fellows (TA/TF): Report | Website
  • COOPERATE – thesis/dissertation sandwich

2. Faculty



Incentives, Recognition and Awards




Incentives, Recognition and Awards

4. Administrative Staff


5. Retired Academic Staff

6. International and Local Collaborators

7. Education



Academic Degree Programs

8. Research and Creative Work

Research Funding

Conduct of Research

R&D Procurement

Technology Transfer

Frontiers of R&D and Creative Work


9. R&D Extension and Public Service

10. Physical Infrastructure and Facilities

  • UP Alabang campus planning – based on new/innovative academic and R&D program (Innovation Hub and School of Technopreneurship) 
  • UP Clark Green City campus planning – built on new academic degree program structure

11. Equipment

12. Quality Assurance (QA) Assessment

13. Public Issues

  • CIDS policy research and publications 
  • EIDR: KRA/national problem-oriented programs

14. International Linkages

15. Recognition and Awards

16. Competitions

Gawad Pangulo: Website

Other Competitions

17. Public Dissemination and Showcase of Accomplishments

18. Good Governance

OVPAA and UP System


19. Enabling Environment

20. External Support

21. Graduates

  • Undergraduates: Quality and Quantity
  • Postgraduates: Quality and Quantity

22. Publications and other Academic Output

23. Public Good

24. Private Good

Last updated: 3 March 2017