2019 QS World University Rankings: UP has strong employer reputation globally

UP placed in the top 38% in the 2019 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings.

It was 384th among the 1,011 institutions from 85 countries that were ranked. It also maintained its position as the Philippines’ leading university, despite dropping 17 places from 2018.

UP scored particularly well in employer reputation at 49.6 . It ranked 168th globally–an improvement of 23 places from last year–based on the results of a world survey that collected the views of employers “on institutions providing the best professionals”. According to QS, employer reputation is the “strongest indicator” for UP. Around 43,000 survey responses were analyzed by QS for this edition.

UP’s score in faculty-student ratio also went up to 54.3, with its faculty to student ratio of 11.0 even surpassing the global median of 8.0.

UP’s scores by indicator. A maximum of 100 points can be given for each indicator. Source: 2019 Fact File, QS World University Rankings

Ratios utilized for rankings calculations for UP, compared with the global median results. Source: 2019 Fact File, QS World University Rankings

Lower scores, however, were recorded for academic reputation (30.9), citations per faculty (2.1), international faculty index (1.9) and international student index (1.5).

In academic reputation, UP plunged 42 places from its global ranking in 2018. Academic reputation is obtained from an annual survey of academics from around the world regarding the best institutions in terms of research. QS said that over 83,000 responses were gathered for the 2019 list.

UP likewise registered low normalized citations per faculty member at 2.6, as against the global median of 34.1. QS used 11,193 normalized citations, 11,308 citations (excluding self-citations), 14,735 (including self-citations) and 3,338 papers for UP. Bibliometric data came from the Scopus database. Citations per faculty “estimate the impact and quality of scientific work” produced by a university. 

UP’s international faculty staff per 100 faculty members, and international students per 100 students were each computed at 0.6 (global median of 9.5 and 10.3, respectively). These two are proxy measures of how attractive the university is to foreign staff and students.

QS evaluated 4,763 universities from 151 countries through survey datasets. More than 1,230 institutions were considered in the final evaluation.

Since 2014, UP has moved up three times and dipped twice in the world university rankings published by QS.

(Updated: 12 June 2018)